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This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own. What if your spouse insists on using spanking as a discipline tool with your children and you disagree? And what if he or she refuses to put that tool aside, even though you have done everything in your power as the other parent and their partner, to convince them to stop?
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Dear Therapist: My Fiancé Believes Spanking Is Good Parenting

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How often do you spank your wife? - Quora

Hey Zing, I had the old fashioned punishment. The kindly Pig is the heart and soul of any gathering or family unit. What's your discipline style?. But expecting your child to complete certain activities that contribute to the household, tailored to their age and development, is really helpful in teaching discipline of the non-punishment variety. In some instances, with some teens, for some misbehaviors still a 'good old-fashioned spanking' might be effective 78 MB An old, rich couple enjoy the latest fad in baton-powered en Wellcome V I asked about about the disposalbe type and our doctor told us that two small enemas with a bulb syringe non fleet one soapy, one plain water for a 3 to.
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An Inside Look at Domestic Discipline and Its Abuse of Power

We both have an admiration, respect, and love for each other that I have never felt in any of my past relationships. He proposed to me early this year and we plan to get married next year. The engagement brought up a further conversation about the future. I always thought he would make a wonderful father because he is incredibly thoughtful and giving with me and I assumed that he would be that way with his children. However, he grew up in a very traditional southern household and was spanked as a child.
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No matter how tempting it is to do something drastic, remember that co-parenting is always the best solution even when it's the hardest. Want evidence-based answers and some common sense morality? Email advice fatherly. We got you. Want a justification for some parenting decision you already made?
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