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After a teenager, Jerry Griffith John Sarno , who purchased the erotic novel The Seven Minutes is charged with rape, an eager prosecutor who is against pornography and preparing for an upcoming election uses the scandal to declare the book as obscene, sets up a sting operation where two detectives enter a bookstore and purchase a copy of the eponymous book, then the prosecutor brings charges against the bookstore for selling obscene material. The trial soon creates a heated debate about the issue of pornography vs. The young defense lawyer, Mike Barrett Wayne Maunder , must also solve the mystery of the novel's true author. In examining the history of the book, the defense attorney discovered it was written by J. Jadway, an American expatriate living in Europe. The book was originally published in English by a publisher in France, and eventually picked up by various tawdry publishing companies in the United States, most of whom tried to emphasize the more lurid and salacious aspects of the book.
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