Tejasswi Prakash on Wednesday set the Internet ablaze with her glamorous pictures. Tejasswi who bagged the title of Bigg Boss 15 winner never fails to catch the eyeballs with her amazing looks and this time the actor shared a series of photographs in a printed saree with a backless blouse, setting social media on fire. Tejasswi took to her Instagram handle and dropped several pictures where she left her fans amazed with her jaw-dropping look. Tejasswi captioned the story, "Here's to fresh grace everyday. Tejasswi donned a beautiful printed saree with a black backless blouse which stole the limelight. She accessorised her outfit with silver jewellery and styled her hair into a bun that was adorned with flowers.
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Non-penetrative sex or outercourse is sexual activity that usually does not include sexual penetration. It generally excludes the penetrative aspects of vaginal , anal , or oral sexual activity, but includes various forms of sexual and non-sexual activity, such as frottage , mutual masturbation , kissing , or cuddling. People engage in non-penetrative sex for a variety of reasons, including as a form of foreplay or as a primary or preferred sexual act. Although sexually transmitted infections STIs such as herpes , HPV , and pubic lice can be transmitted through non-penetrative genital -genital or genital-body sexual activity, non-penetrative sex may be used as a form of safer sex because it is less likely that body fluids the main source of STI transmission will be exchanged during the activities, especially with regard to aspects that are exclusively non-penetrative. While non-penetrative sex or outercourse is usually defined as excluding sexual penetration, [1] [2] [3] some non-penetrative sex acts can have both non-penetrative and penetrative components and may therefore still be categorized as non-penetrative sex.
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