You Suck at the Internet | Internet Meme on
Top definition. A sarcastic term for the internet. Often used in the context of parody regarding an inexperience, unskilled , or incoherent user. Hay guys, I'm using teh interweb!!! A mixture of both slang terms: The Interweb and the recent pluralization of the word Internet Said by Bush during the debates. The Interwebs is identical in meaning to the other terms. The interconnected webworks of webworks.
The first use of this phrase is disputed. The terms Internet and Web are used synonymously all the time, and non-computer people may think the two words mean the exact same thing. Interweb in its singular or plural form has been used mistakenly by neophytes and as a farce by others. See Web vs. Sentences Sentence examples.
From the rise of fake news and the troll farms pumping it out to the harvesting of our Facebook data by groups like Cambridge Analytica, Chris Hayes knows the internet feels pretty crappy these days. In this episode, Hayes examines how something once seen as a miracle of human connection became a free-for-all frenzy to get your clicks, and marvels at the lengths companies will go to keep your eyes to your screens. T hese are the ideas Tim Wu has spent a career, and two books, exploring. So, when we ask what created the conditions for this environment and angst surrounding our experience with the internet, we turn to Tim.