I buy a size that fits me well. They definitely are hot. Menopause brings bravery and a what the hell attitude some of the time. Yet I am definitely interested in staying stylish and watching the nerd appeal as I age. I understand the dilemma! Seemingly passe, I still believe there are times when panty hose help put my best foot forward.
When I think of pantyhose, I think of grandmothers wearing their church clothes, the misguided fashion sense present in most corporate office parks and how weird it is that you can buy packages of them at drugstores. Earlier this year, she launched Nylons4K , a pantyhose and lingerie-themed adult site. Her inspiration was a simple case of supply-and-demand. A lot of guys also ask me to wear the dark tan, shiny pantyhose worn by the waitresses at Hooters. Some guys just think pantyhose are sexy and want to see my ass in them. Why pantyhose? I first realized pantyhose turned me on in my 30s, but my first erotic experiences with them began about three years ago.
Many men are wearing pantyhose and I have done tuns of research on it as well as have had my man wearing pantyhose. The first thing I would like to point out is I have seen doctors recommend pantyhose to men for leg circulation. Reports have show this to actually help poor circulation.
I married my second husband 3 years ago. About a year after we were married his 15 year old son came to live with us. So at 37 I have this handsome looking kid move into our home. As the years went by I was watching him grow into a young man and what a man he was turning into.