Disclaimer: Some of you might remember this column from a few years back when we still lived at Viceland. Tragically, when we moved to VICE. Hey, you rapidly decaying protoplasmic sacks of calcium and shit, my name is Dr. Mona Moore. Obviously, that is not my real name, but I am a real doctor. Don't feel bad for me, though, because it means I will always have a job, an apartment ten times bigger than yours, and the right to tell you what to do simply because I will always know better.
Welcome to Holed - Assholes are our only point of interest today. We want to hole these girls deep and thoroughly. Art of fucking ass in 4K quality and 60 FPS, can you imagine how intense this action could be on your display? Watch the world's most popular teen pornstars featured in risky actions of anal. You wanted them to be holed?
Takeaway: Anal stretching is a key component of higher-level anal play - and it isn't as scary as it sounds. If you're new to anal play , you might be thinking, "what?! Why would I want to stretch my butt?!
A Chinese man spent 55 years with the opening to his rectum in the wrong place. That's an unusually long time to live without a normal anus. He had a relatively common birth defect known as imperforate anus , a condition in which one out of every 5, infants is born with a misplaced, blocked, or missing rectal opening. The problem occurs slightly more frequently in boys than girls, and its cause is unknown. Surgeons typically repair the abnormality during infancy.