People who feel groggy despite having a solid eight hours shut eye may benefit from changing their sleeping position, an expert claims. Those who lie on their backs are more likely to wake feeling rested due to the position reducing their risk of aches and pains, as well as heartburn, according to sleep expert Professor Shelby Harris from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. Despite this position's benefits, only eight percent of people sleep facing up, with most opting to lie on their sides, which can worsen shoulder and hip pain, as well as causing acid reflux, Professor Harris adds. Lying on your front, which only seven percent of people do, is the worst sleeping position due to it putting pressure on the entire body, which can cause numbness, tingling, and muscle and joint pain.
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The lines between his self-loathing, his crush, and a certain aggression against the woman herself are ultimately blurred. No wonder she runs out the door. And oh, how one would have turned out to be wrong for better and for worse.
By Lauren Fruen For Dailymail. The creepy footage shows the man returning to the house in Vallejo three separate times without waking anyone after stalking the residential road looking for victims. It is understood the brazen burglar had watched the children's father leave the home before breaking and entering on Sunday morning.