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Sources familiar with the matter claim that investment bank Houlihan Lokey Inc. It's more bad news for a company that's dealt with a lot if over the course of the last year. So, just like we did when news of the bankruptcy first hit, let's take a look back at the glory days. The porny days. And aside from sitting on a massive amount of debt, it's been embroiled in numerous lawsuits, ousted and then battled its notoriously raunchy CEO Dov Charney in court, and was only able to bring about 20 percent of fall merchandise to stores due to a lack of funding. Things haven't looked good in a long time.
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The 50 Most Porn-y American Apparel Ads Of All Time (NSFW)

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american apparel models | Tumblr

When American Apparel declared bankruptcy and sold out last year, we thought it was dunzo. Well, except one major difference: All of the models on the website appear to be fully clothed. The previously Los Angeles-based company regularly depicted young women in sexually-charged positions, topless, pantsless, and borderline naked. Certain ads were harmless, while others—like the one that depicts a model named Maks who hails from Bangladesh, a part of the world consistently embroiled in hot water because of poor working conditions for factory laborers— is not. Born in Dhaka, the capitol of Bangladesh, Maks vividly remembers attending mosque as a child alongside her conservative Muslim parents. At age four, her family made a life changing move to Marina Del Rey, California.
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Los Angeles basics brand American Apparel had a pretty spectacular fall from fashion grace a few years ago. But rather than rehash its very public past, let's look at the here and now. The range features nine shades of nude-toned basics across six styles and these nudes represent a wide variety of skin tones. What is nude to one person is not nude to another — based on what their eyes see, their personal experience, and their warm or cool undertones.
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Just when you thought Dov Charney was toning things down while his empire teetered on the edge of bankruptcy his last ads showed him at hard at work on his laptop, fully clothed, with his two creative directors--albeit in bed , new print ads that appeared in the Village Voice and Vice show American Apparel models fully nude, bush included. Of course, American Apparel's latest ads don't feature college freshmen as models. They're illustrated. The ads are still unmistakably American Apparel--'70s vibe, naked girls, suggestively posed, etc.
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