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A woman's body truly is a miracle, and this fact is beautifully illustrated during the miracle of childbirth. Ask any witnessing party: what a woman can accomplish through pain, sweat, and tears is awe-inspiring. When a woman goes into labor, her body changes rapidly to bring new life into the world. As moms well know, birth is an incredible process: inspiring, frightening, and truly just plain cool. That's right, we said it: The vagina is cool.
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The Dad’s Guide to Cleaning a Baby Girl’s Vagina

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What really happens to your vagina when you give birth | The Independent

If you have a delicate question about your newborn's body, we've probably got the answer here. Infant penis is not necessarily a term that a new mom wants to search on the Web -- or that she'd want another person finding in her search history. But our knowledge about "down there" is often as fuzzy as an ultrasound screen image, and once we're in the daily routine of changing diapers, having a clear view doesn't always equal having a clear understanding of what's going on. Discussing your baby's privates with your pediatrician can be uncomfortable, but try not to be shy. Everett, M.
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15 Raw Birth Photos That Show how Amazing the Vagina Really Is

By Isabelle Loynes and Anna Hodgekiss. A teenager has spoken of her 'total shock' at being told at the age of 17 she had no vagina. Jacqui Beck, 19, has MRKH, an rare syndrome which affects the reproductive system - meaning she has no womb, cervix or vaginal opening. She was only diagnosed after she went to her GP about back pain - and mentioned in passing that she hadn't started her periods. Shock: Jacqui Beck was told at the age of 17 she had no vagina.
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For most dads, caring for a vulva is an alien task. In fact, some dads may be so out of touch that they misidentify the outer region of the female genitalia as the vagina. First off, parents should want their daughter to accurately know what the parts of their genitalia are called. But Dr. Experts Weigh In.
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