Nikita Bellucci est actrice porno depuis un peu plus de cinq ans. Mais sur son compte Instagram, on trouve de tout. Bonheur simple MereNatureJarrive. Et puis Un bon gros coup de gueule.
Chaos sexuel, sentimental et magique Propos recueillis par Laurent Courau. J'ai conscience de la connotation sexuelle du titre, et je l'assume pleinement.
Can one escape the labyrinth of pornoculture, a culture harnessed to the society of spectacle that has invaded every aspect of daily life? Both known for their artistic visions and unique creations, this collaboration is a natural extension of their artistic temperaments. Their discussions led them to an ongoing process-based project where they use what they have on hand to explore the web of pornculture. Pornoculture, harnessed to the society of the spectacle, has invaded all spheres of society.