Dating aquarius males

I'm an Aquarius woman who has dated many Aquarius men. OK ladies don't despair! Yes they have mixed signals but that is because they usually don't know themselves. Let them disappear for awhile. Do your own thing and be glamorous, be mysterious.
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How to Date an Aquarius Man? Tips and Advice!

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How to Date an Aquarius Man? Tips and Advice!

Updated: October 27, References. You've found a man who's ruled by the sign of Aquarius, huh? He's probably super creative, dynamic, and marching to the beat of his own drum. No wonder you're falling for him! Want to get a grip on his intriguing personality and see if you can ride the wind with him?
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How to Date an Aquarius Male

This is a tough one. A challenge. If you know one, you know what I am talking about.
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Congratulations are in order because you are surely landing a smart one! Yup, your Aquarius guy has an impressive intellect. Perhaps it is his enlightened personality that attracts you in the first place. No doubt when you look into his eyes you see a sage master there that other Zodiac males just do not seem to possess. When he looks intently in your direction, you feel as if he is looking right through you, past your physical vessel and is seeing your soul!
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