However, he refused to remove the bandages that he wears on his penis and refused to let Dr Muro see any skin. It goes just before the knee. But the penis itself is about 16cm to 18cm from the pubis. The rest of the tissue found there is just foreskin, blood vessels, and some inflammation of the skin. He was obsessed with the penis length. The year-old from Saltillo, Mexico, has dangled weights off his penis for his entire life to increase its size and there was talk of him going into porn at one point.
Man with ‘world’s biggest penis’ spills on sex with celebrities
Mexican man accused of exaggerating world's biggest penis | Daily Mail Online
By Danyal Hussain For Mailonline. The man who claims to have the world's largest penis has been accused of exaggerating its size with a doctor saying that it is actually only six inches long. Robert Esquivel Cabrera, 54 from Mexico , cannot have sex because of the size of his manhood, which he claims is But now radiologist Dr Jesus Pablo Gil Muro, who examined Mr Cabrera, said that the man refused to take off all of the bandages around his penis and wouldn't let the doctor see the skin. Roberto Esquivel Cabrera claims to have the largest penis in the world but a radiologist has questioned whether it's true. Dr Muro told the Sun Online : 'When he came here to do a CT scan, my first impression was that it was a unique and unusual case.
Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, 54, from Saltillo, Mexico, has a penis measuring a whopping Doctors have confirmed the penis is not a hoax and he has even had an x-ray to prove that it is real. His colossal penis has caused him some health problems and his penis even needs its own pillow to escape discomfort during the night. He would rather have a huge penis than have sex as his penis has too much girth to have normal intercourse. Roberto has attempted to have sex twice, but the first woman did not go for it once she had seen the size of his penis and the second had to stop as it was too painful.
A MAN once believed to have the world's largest penis has labelled the new self-proclaimed record-holder "disgusting" and "desperate". Jonah Falcon, who has a The spat comes after Roberto, from Saltillo, Mexico, admitted to spending his life trying to make it bigger.