Think Before You Pink: What You Need to Know About Pinkwashing
About wear it pink | wear it pink
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. Join in the cause to help women in need today. Nearly half of all women 40 and older have dense breasts. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we are giving this helpful guide about dense breasts to every woman who requests it. Help us honor those at every step of the breast cancer journey by sharing the story of how you or someone you love has been affected by breast cancer.
Check your breasts for cancer but don’t stop there – give yourself a full cancer MOT
We respect your privacy. Really, really pink. From an outside perspective, all of the pink probably seems impressive.
There's a line, of course. Being a full-blown hypochondriac isn't necessarily a good thing. But, with early diagnosis being so important when it comes to cancer, maybe it's not a bad idea. It's Breast Cancer Awareness month - more than 11, women die each year in the UK from the disease.