Definition of word boob

To save this word, you'll need to log in. Farrell boob. Explore the year a word first appeared Dictionary Entries near boob bonze bonzer boo boob boobily boobird boob job. British , informal : to make a foolish or careless mistake See the full definition for boob in the English Language Learners Dictionary More from Merriam-Webster on boob Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for boob Rhyming Dictionary: Words that rhyme with boob Britannica English: Translation of boob for Arabic Speakers Comments on boob What made you want to look up boob?
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breast (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary

Use boob in a sentence. An example of boob is what a teenager might call a breast while looking at an underwear catalog. Short for booby. The noun sense "breast" dates to , while the noun sense "dummy" dates to Sentences Sentence examples.
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Last edited on Dec 27 Submitted by Steve H. He is such a boob!
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And the man who is only looking for the Boob 's timepiece will do time of his own by and by. A small boy once defined a Boob as one who always treats other people better than he does himself. But if he was not a Boob before marriage he will never become so after. The Boob , my dear Cynthia, is Nature's device for mitigating the quaintly blended infelicities of existence.
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