By Mary Huhn. In late September, Jessica Simpson posted a divisive photo to Instagram. The year-old, who gave birth to her third child in March, was looking slim in a form-fitting, belted black dress. Even when it felt impossible, I chose to work harder.
Jessica Simpson: 'My Body Is Not Bouncing Back Like a Supermodel'
Jessica Simpson- BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS… And BUTT!
The new mum admits that her post-baby body is getting in the way of her exercise plan - because she can only walk with her trainer. Poor old Jessica Simpson, eh? Everyone's on at her to lose her baby weight, but come on people - this lady just birthed a human being! Can she just catch her breath? Just before having her baby daughter Maxwell on 1 May this year, Jessica signed up to promote Weight Watchers - they'd help her lose her baby weight and she'd reveal her "post-baby body" on their advert on 10 September. Which is now a week away. But Jessica's revealed that there's been an unexpected problem with that - her massive boobs.
New moms: We can’t all just drop 100 pounds like Jessica Simpson
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